3 Best Call to Actions for Podcast Interviews

Podcast interviews are a different medium than other marketing like social media or Youtube. So what is the most powerful call to action for a podcast interview? In this episode, She passionately shares her expertise on why a strong, clear call to action is crucial at the end of each episode. With her infectious enthusiasm, Spencer outlines the best strategies for podcasters to connect with their audience, suggesting a focus on directing listeners to further podcast content or offering a personal discovery call. She warns against overloading the audience with options, advocating for simplicity and a seamless listener experience. Spencer's vibrant delivery and authentic connection with her audience make for an unmissable episode that's sure to inspire and educate any podcast enthusiast.

What You'll Learn in this Episode:

  • Importance of a strong call to action at the end of a podcast episode
  • Tips on effective calls to action for podcast guests
  • Matching the auditory nature of the podcast medium with the call to action
  • Recommended call to action: Directing listeners to the guest's own podcast or other podcast appearances
  • Creating a dedicated page on the guest's website to showcase all podcast appearances
  • Offering a discovery call as an effective call to action
  • Pitfalls of overwhelming listeners with multiple calls to action
  • Leveraging the guest's website to enhance the effectiveness of the call to action
  • Tailoring calls to action to the medium and context in which listeners are consuming the content
  • Focusing on low-barrier, easily accessible calls to action for effective engagement and conversion

Links & Mentions:

Moments of Note:

The importance of a strong call to action (00:00:00)
Kimberly Spencer introduces the episode and discusses the significance of a strong call to action at the end of a podcast episode.

The need for a low barrier for entry (00:00:57)
Spencer emphasizes the importance of a low barrier for entry in calls to action for podcast listeners and shares her experiences as a podcast guest.

Choosing the right call to action for a podcast (00:01:52)
Spencer discusses the best types of calls to action that work well for podcast listeners and the importance of making the call to action tangible and easily accessible.

Matching auditory medium to auditory medium (00:04:17)
Spencer explains the significance of matching auditory medium to auditory medium and provides examples of effective calls to action, such as promoting one's own podcast.

Creating a link on the website (00:08:08)
Spencer shares a tip from Dave Jackson on creating a link on the website to direct listeners to preferred podcast platforms, boosting visibility and capturing emails.

The effectiveness of a discovery call (00:10:08)
Spencer discusses the effectiveness of a discovery call as a call to action and the importance of directing listeners to a landing page on the website.

Considerations for effective calls to action (00:12:11)
Spencer emphasizes the need for a clean and simple call to action, considering the medium and the audience's behavior while consuming the content.

Promotion of the Visibility Accelerator membership (00:13:19)
Spencer promotes the Visibility Accelerator membership and encourages listeners to join the community for more podcasting and communication strategies.

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Communication Queens Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@communicationqueens 


🎙Subscribe + Listen to the Communication Queens Podcast here:

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/communication-queen-entrepreneurship-marketing-storytelling/id1718540459 

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2ROeliYZG9thhNSMEo8SDx?si=abc7b72eb6274d3b&nd=1&dlsi=fb6df192dfbb4505 

Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/8d87938f-bfbc-4dac-a60e-b77b652b344c/communication-queen-entrepreneurship-marketing-storytelling-public-speaking-and-podcasting 

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@communicationqueens 

Say "hi" to Kimberly on Social:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kimberlyspencer.crownyourself/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/realkimspencer 

Instagram: https://instagram.com/kimberly.spencer 

Linked In: https://linkedin.com/in/kimberlyspencer-crownyourself  


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🥰  Loved learning about how to improve your communication skills and get booked on podcast interviews? Listen to this podcast again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCE-I1nu3qA&list=PLm4BjuAmP6DvwRPEBpVMJT5UrQoaD_5J8