Unleash Your Podcast's Potential: Bold Strategies for Client Lead Generation and JV Partnerships

bold strategies for client lead generation and jv partnership business strategy communication queens podcast marketing strategy Jul 09, 2024
Kimberly Spencer, CEO of Communication Queens, with podcast microphone and text that reads “The Most Effective Podcasting Strategy for Client Lead Generation and Monetization” and “Kimberly Spencer”

Enjoy this episode & transcript below where Kimberly Spencer, Master NLP Mindset & Communications Coach and CEO of Communication Queens, discusses interview strategies for client lead generation.

In this episode of the Communication Queens podcast, Kimberly Spencer, a master communications coach, shares her expertise on leveraging podcasting for client lead generation, JV partnerships, and monetization. With her enthusiastic and engaging style, Kimberly captivates listeners while discussing strategies to attract potential guests and align podcasts with target audiences. She emphasizes the importance of a targeted approach, aligning podcast content with business services, and fostering an abundance mindset. Practical tips include setting up automated booking systems, providing clear guidelines, and ensuring legal protections. This episode offers valuable insights for podcasters aiming to build meaningful connections and explore diverse opportunities.

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • Podcasting strategy for client lead generation, JV partnerships, and monetization
  • Tips for setting up a podcast to attract potential guests
  • Aligning the podcast with the target audience
  • Importance of being clear about the target audience and niche of the podcast
  • Aligning the podcast with the services the business provides
  • Shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset
  • Targeting interviewees in alignment with the target audience
  • Implementing an automated booking system
  • Legal protection and media release for using guest's voice and likeness
  • Emphasizing the importance of creating a seamless and professional experience for guests


FYI Transcripts may contain a few typos. With many episodes lasting 30-minutes, it can be difficult to catch minor errors. Enjoy!

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Kimberly Spencer (00:00:05) -  Welcome to the Communication Queens podcast for the visionary leaders, speakers, service providers and podcasters who are looking to stand out sharing their story. I'm your host, Kimberly Spencer, former screenwriter turned master communications coach. On this podcast, I'll be coaching you on how to share your own transformation story. To that, you increase your visibility, influence, and income on podcast interviews. Let's get your voice heard.

Kimberly Spencer (00:00:31) -  Hello communication Queens, and welcome back to another communication Queen quickie. We are continuing on our podcasting strategy for client lead generation, JV partnerships, and monetization of your podcast in the way that if you have a podcast, you would like to have that. Since last week we went into the intention of your strategy. Now we're going to get into some nitty gritty of how you can actually set up your podcast to really wow and dazzle your potential guests who you would love to court and see and explore where that relationship goes. So the guests could be, you know, a potential ideal client, especially if you target an interview, those who are in the niche of your ideal customer avatar.

Kimberly Spencer (00:01:18) -  So let's say you have a momPreneur podcast and you're interviewing and you coach mom partners who are high level momPreneur is doing anywhere between 500,000 and $1 million in sales, and you focus on interviewing only mom partners who are doing anywhere between 500,000 and $1 million in sales. That is how you are talking directly to your ideal customer avatar. So being very clear, instead of being generic and saying, oh, my podcast is for everyone, or it's a business podcast, it's an entrepreneurship podcast. Well, what is the services that your business provides that's backing the podcast? And how can you have those conversations with the people that you would love to convert in some way to your world? Doesn't mean in a commercial way, where they will necessarily be a client, that you could turn out to be something even better than a client, where there's exponential possibilities. It could be a partnership, it could be a joint venture opportunity, it could be something more collaborative and maybe a special extra podcast episode. And I've seen this having coached leaders for about seven years is especially in the coaching industry, when you approach something solely as a lead generation strategy to like, get the client, it can work and also it can feel gross.

Kimberly Spencer (00:02:34) -  And also from a mindset perspective, if we were to chunk up into a mindset space of like, where is that coming from? If you're only looking for that one avenue of how it could convert, you're in scarcity. So let's shift into abundance as to how that could abundantly serve in multiple different ways and multiple different facets for both your business and for the client's business. And how to set up the strategy is first targeting who you interview to be in alignment with who you serve. That's one piece of the strategy. Secondly, when you are guiding someone through the process of your podcast booking system, ideally you have some sort of automated system using something like Calendly or acuity so that your podcast guests can just easily and effortlessly book in and they don't have to go through like 50 hoops of back and forth emails. But if you have a system in place and making sure your system is fully optimized to like, wow and dazzle and make the podcast guest feel fully supported, knowledgeable and understanding of what is going on, this is what leadership is in communication.

Kimberly Spencer (00:03:56) -  So what this is called in sales, it's called setting the frame. So you are preparing someone for what they are about to experience, which unconsciously they are giving you their permission by continuing to see and say, okay, we're going to continue to go on with this podcast interview. So if you prepare people in advance for what is going to come then and not only just like what is to come in the interview, but like, here's how we structure it, here's what we like to do after here is what is to come. And then having a system in place as far and this is a system that I give in our Communication Queens program, I give you our entire podcast booking system as to how we book our guests, the systems that has been praised by our eight figure podcast guests on our Crown Yourself podcast, because those systems are essential. So here's a few of the basics one. Have an automated booking system. Super simple to make sure you have some follow up emails, a confirmation account like direct to calendar booking like so that they add it.

Kimberly Spencer (00:05:05) -  It's already on their calendar. They don't have to worry about it. Have some sort of email follow up that's like, here's how you prepare. Like if you have a video podcast, there are people who show up to a podcast thinking it's only going to be audio. And so if they're not prepared, you don't want your guests feeling all awkward because they didn't put on their lipstick today, or like, do their mascara because they thought they weren't going to be on video. So give your guest guidelines. As for how the podcast is going to go, make sure you get the guests bio, resume, social links, website, all of that. What we use is we use a Calendly, and we use Typeform to gather all of our guests materials so that we make sure that we have everything in one place. It keeps everything very streamlined and simple. And then make sure that after you also have some form of follow up system. So follow up emails may be a follow up download of like here's you know, our social links.

Kimberly Spencer (00:06:05) -  Make sure you follow us. If you post anything about us, we'll tag you. And just sharing in that reciprocity. And then if you have anything else as far as like what you would like to add as far as your services, as for what you do, that's where you can always add in like some form of Typeform or survey of like, would you, are you interested in this? If not, if they hit no, then don't send them to the next link where it's a booking page. Have some logic jumps as it's called in Typeform. Like build the system so that it will skip to the like final page so that they don't go through like, oh, I already said no to this. And it's kind of like, okay, so you want your guests to come away with an amazing experience where they feel fully seen, fully supported, fully heard, and also well-produced and structured. The last thing that I'm going to say that in your immediate deliverables, you want to have to ensure you're attracting really professional, high caliber guests.

Kimberly Spencer (00:07:08) -  Is having some form of legal release a media release? I guarantee if you have some form of celebrity on, they will provide you with one. If you don't have one because they want to be at no risk. So make sure that you have some form of legal protection in the space just so that you are able to produce your you are using someone's voice. You are. Producing their voice. You are reproducing their likeness. You are marketing them. You never want a podcast guest to come back and say, you're not marketing me correctly. It can get yucky. So make sure by showing all the things and being very transparent and open, you gain their permission and you gain buy in. So that should you decide that that person could be a right fit and you propose as a possibility a stronger commitment than the first date. The first date is the podcast. The stronger commitment is like some form of partnership, client, exploratory call, etc. then you have already prepped them that that is something that it is a possibility and that is something that you're looking for.

Kimberly Spencer (00:08:20) -  So be honest, upfront, transparent, have your process in place. If you would like to use ours, then definitely grab the course in the comments. And we also have payment plans available if you want it, because that course has been said to be a game changer for optimizing the systems. And I literally reveal the curtain that our eight figure guess for our Crown Yourself podcast have praised. And we only replicated the same system, because why mess with something that is working and working really well and getting praise? We just replicated the system for our Communication Queens guests. So for every guest they've gone through a system, they've signed a release, they've done all the things. So make sure that you have those steps in place. And if you don't grab the course in the description, as always, my amazing communication queens stand out because it's your time to be heard. Your story has the power to save a life, so make sure that your voice is heard. I'll see you next time.

Kimberly Spencer (00:09:28) -  Thank you so much for listening.

Kimberly Spencer (00:09:30) -  If you love this episode, subscribe! Leave us a review and share it with your friends. For more tips on guest podcasting, storytelling and communication strategies, follow us on social media at Communication Queens Agency and visit us at Communication I look forward to seeing you in the next episode. And in the meantime, remember your story has the power to save one life. Let your story and your voice be heard.

Ranked No.55 in the United States by Apple Podcasts for Marketing, within just one week of launching, and over 33,000 downloads in the first 5 months, the Communication Queen Podcast with Kimberly Spencer is on the fasttrack to becoming an industry GAMECHANGER, in supporting listeners to tell better stories, enhance their communication skills, and learn how to leverage getting booked on podcasts to grow their business.

From interviews with Top 100 Podcasters, to providing real-life storytelling coaching, and communication #quickies of bite-sized communication tips that you can start leveraging right away, to increase your authority and influence in your niche, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone looking to level up their storytelling skills to serve + sell more in their business. To listen to any of our past episodes for free, check out this page.

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